Inter-site comparisons
Over the study period and across all sites, density of lobsters ranged from 0 to 1.7 lobsters per m 2 (Table 3). Of the 8 sites where lobsters were found, the highest densities were observed at Allen Island, Port Clyde, and Vinalhaven-rocky, while the lowest densities were observed at Monhegan and Matinicus islands (Figure 7). Of the 5 sites that were studied in both
years, the density was higher in outer regions of the bay than in inner regions (Figure 8)
The size-frequency distribution of lobsters varied between sites (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.001). Mean lobster size at each site varied from 30.9 ± 12.3 mm CL at Isle au Haut to 56.5 ± 13.2 mm CL in eelgrass beds on Vinalhaven (Figure 9).
Young-of-the year lobsters (i.e., < 16 mm CL) were found at 5 sites (Allen Island, Port Clyde, South Thomaston, and Vinalhaven-rocky; Figure 10). The months in which these settlers were found were May, September, and October (Figure 11).
Table 3. Density of lobsters (number per m2 ) at The Lobster Conservancy's intertidal study sites, Penobscot Bay Lobster Collaborative, 1998 and 1999. A dash indicates the site was not studied in a particular month.
Site |
Allen Island |
Port Clyde |
South Thomaston |
Isle au Haut |
Vinalhaven: rocky |
Vinalhaven: eel grass |
Matinicus Island |
Monhegan Island |
Castine |
Deer Isle |
Islesboro: Grindle Pt. |
Islesboro: Sprague Cove |
Islesboro: Loranus Cove |
Islesboro: Town Beach |
Moose Point State Park |
North Haven |
Rockport |
Stonington: Sand Beach |